Services - PAT Testing
In-service Inspection and Testing of Electrical Equipment

Rest assured that we always perform 'Formal' Inspections prior to electrical testing. PAT Testing alone would NOT identify a counterfeit fuse or a substandard lead. Never just ask for somebody to carry out PAT Testing only, they could miss 90% of faults which could result in fire or electrical shock.
Following 'Formal' inspections we perform electrical (PAT) Testing to ensure that the safety features incorporated at the time of manufacture are present throughout the service life of the appliance. Helping you to control the risks associated with electrical appliances within the workplace in turn helping you to comply with legislation such as:

The Electricity at Work Regulations 1989

Accredited Pat Testing Courses Delivered by Industry Specialists
A fast paced 'hands on' course designed for Duty Holders, Maintenance Staff and anybody who has a responsibility for electrical safety in the workplace. Both of our PAT Testing Courses include the same content with 2 years ongoing assistance if required until sufficient experience is gained.We bring over 20 years of industry experience with plenty of practical examples of substandard and dangerous appliances.
The two day course is available for those who may be less confident and is delivered at a slower pace. We can usually deliver both courses at your premises where a suitable room can be made available or at our training centre.

2 Day Pat Testing Courses

Accredited PAT Course

We combine both theory and practical training. It is essential that the person carrying out inspection and testing of electrical equipment is able to record and interpret results to identify degredation and be relay this information to the Duty Holder.

Continuous Professional Development

Our bespoke courses have been CPD Accredited. We also run refresher courses too.All of our courses are face to face and not over the internet or via DVD.
We deliberately keep our class sizes small typically from just one candidate to ten to allow individual engagement.

In-house PAT Training

We try to create a relaxed learning space for your employees. We can even come to you. Our Clients include, Salisbury Cathedral, MOD, Airbus, Schools, Colleges, Factories and individuals.

Seaward Apollo 600+ Kits We can supply everything to set you up with an inspection and testing system.

Test Equipment Sales

We are able to supply a wide range of electrical test equipment and accessories. From Pat testing instruments and accessories through to 18th edition multifunction test equipment, meters, adaptors and publications.